
Ringway Playgroup Curriculum

Our Curriculum


Our Early Years curriculum is carefully planned to make sure that all children thrive and achieve. In the Two Year Old Provision we will focus on the Three Prime areas. These areas are crucial for a child’s learning and development. These three prime areas are:


Personal, social and emotional development;

Communication and language;

Physical development


We aim to support each child to identify their own sense of identity and self – worth, as well as focusing on each and every child’s individual needs and interests.  Good early years, education from a young age, can help to boost child development and that is why we are offering families a chance to get a head start for their children.

Children are most engaged when they are undertaking activities that are child initiated and based on children’s current interests. When children show high levels of involvement, that is when there is progress and development occurring – when the brain is at its most active.

By providing an open ended and enabling environment supported by skilful staff we are able to seize the moment when a child shows a level of interest and curiosity. We can then draw out and extend these moments.


Our 2 year old curriculum is planned carefully to ensure children engage with a range of themes. Each week, our 2 year old room has an overarching theme in which they will explore a carefully chosen text and planned activities to enhance their learning.